Washing your car, whether by hand or by machine, can take a good chunk of time out of your day. It can also cost you a pretty penny. Of course you'd like to keep your vehicle sparkling as long as poss...
Obviously the most important reason to stand out in the dark is so that you're seen and other vehicles won't hit you. While high functioning headlights and taillights help with this, it is still very ...
In this article we'll be working within a compendium of discounts from New York state, among all car insurance companies available. We will list whom does support a particular discount. The insurance ...
Heading out on the open road with your pet, or pets, can be a really rewarding experience. After all, how many dogs have seen Mount Rushmore? Your dog! That's who. But there are some concerns that ...
When you're trying to really pack on the punch with your engine, you might notice your bank account diving faster than a submarine. It goes deep, deep into the red and you wave goodbye to your credit ...
Does going to the local car dealer make you want a root canal instead? From the waiting, the uncertainty, and the expected high cost, many people like you dread going to the dealer to buy a car. Years...
Car History Databases To research a car's history, you must obtain the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This 17-character number can be found on the driver's side door panel. After obtaining th...
Know Dealer Cost What the dealer paid for the car is called the dealer invoice. By simply using an online site, you can look up the invoiced price in just a few minutes, according to the website Ne...
FTC Rule The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires dealers who sell at least five previously owned cars a year to post buyer's guides in the vehicles being sold. This does not apply to dealers in...
Options You can call try to sell your car if it has equity in comparison with its payoff amount. If you can sell your car for more than you owe, you can keep any profit you make. You can also purch...