Every driver that owns and operates a car must carry auto insurance by state law. Auto insurance pays for damages and losses that arise as a result of car ownership. For instance, if you rear end anot...
History The travel trailer has been around as long as the automobile. When the automobile gave families mobility, camping began the new American pastime. By 1914, automobiles hauling camping outfit...
Purpose SR-22 bonds provide drivers with the minimum liability coverage allowed by state law. This coverage is typically designated for drivers considered high risk by either the court system, an i...
Gather vehicle information. If available, write down the BMW's Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, the name of the registered owner or the dealership/private seller of the vehicle. In addition, wri...
When Your Payment is Late Your auto loan goes into default once you miss a car payment. Grace periods offered for late payments differ by lender. Read your contract over to determine how much time ...
You can buy a used car if the seller has lost or misplaced the title. However, you still need to be cautious. To ease your mind, the seller can verify that he owns the vehicle with a current vehicle r...
The color of your car could be saying things about you that you didn’t even know about yourself. (more…)...
Research prices in your area so you can recognize a good deal. Car prices vary by model, time of year and location. Visit websites, such as edmunds.com, that have forums where people can report the ac...
Many people rely on their autos every day to get to where they need to go. If something were to happen while on the road, you will want to have good auto insurance to fall back on. According to CNN Mo...
Did you know that motorists in New Jersey pay an average of $400 more than the typical driver in the United States? (more…)...