Zero-Percent Loan Requirements Check with your loan provider to determine the loan term and requirements of obtaining your zero-percent loan. Most new-car manufacturers require a specific term or a...
Ka-thunk is a much different sound than chatter chatter, but each has it's impact on your wallet. The question is, when do you go to a mechanic? When is a problem just beyond the average weekend wrenc...
If you want to get a new car with a low monthly payment, consider a lease. Choosing a lease instead of purchasing can reduce your car payment by $150 to $200 a month. And since you don't own the vehic...
Consult your vehicle's owner's manual to check its towing capacity. A sedan may be capable of towing a small aluminum fishing boat, but you usually need a truck or SUV to tow a larger boat. The boat's...
State Sales Tax Your state most likely charges a tax with your new car purchase. That rate may match the going rate for all purchased items or be pegged to a lower rate in order to make new car pur...
You're driving along and all of a sudden you catch a flash of something out of the corner of your eye. Boom, your oil change alert has popped up. (more…)...
Process People who refinance their cars are taking on a new loan. The lender who approved the refinancing will pay off the balance on the old loan and issue a new one which includes the payoff amou...
Four-by-four, six-cylinder--there are a lot of numbers to consider when looking at SUVs. The number 4.0 in most SUVs indicates engine size--specifically the 4.0L inline-six used by Chrysler, Jeep and ...
Application for Insurance Part I of the act deals with applications for insurance. According to Section 3 (1) of the act, you must show evidence that you have applied for a certificate of insurance...
Engine The Series 14100 Chevrolet Vega featured an inline, 8-valve, four-cylinder, "2300" 139.98-cubic-inch (2.3-liter) engine. The overhead-valve motor had mechanical valve lifters, an aluminum bl...