It's important to shop around for better deals on car insurance every so often. Companies are always changing their rates, running short term bargains and finding new groups to partner with. This mean...
It can seem nearly impossible to lower our monthly expenses. If you're careful and don't drive too much, you can save money on insurance. A newer way to buy car insurance is to pay per mile. Estima...
Being knowledgable about insurance won't make you the life of the party. However, not having certain kinds of coverage could put a damper on your life. Here are examples of coverage you may not hav...
Owning a classic car is a source of pride for its owner. It is a considerable measure of amusing to flaunt one's car to companions and outsiders alike. Regardless of whether your classic or collector'...
Did you know that motorists in New Jersey pay an average of $400 more than the typical driver in the United States? (more…)...
Did you know that your Toyota Camry could save you $859 a year on insurance? New survey of 1,000 zipcodes found the average driver of a Toyota Camry or Ford Escape may save $859 a year by comparing i...
For this week, we've discovered two interesting reports: (more…)...
There are many insurance companies that offer discounts for safe drivers -- with no recent tickets in the last three years. (more…)...
Did you know that having all day headlights in your vehicle is a rare insurance discount--unless you find the right company? (more…)...
There are 246 auto insurance companies -- which insurer will give you the best rate for not having a DUI? Also, get 3 other discounts that will save you more. (more…)...